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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Forex Market Overview


The following facts and figures relate to the foreign exchange market. Much of the information is drawn from the 2007 Triennial Central Bank Survey of Foreign Exchange and Derivatives Market Activity conducted by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in April 2007. 54 central banks and monetary authorities participated in the survey, collecting information from approximately 1280 market participants.

Excerpt from the BIS:

"The 2007 survey shows an unprecedented rise in activity in traditional foreign exchange markets compared to 2004. Average daily turnover rose to $3.2 trillion in April 2007, an increase of 71% at current exchange rates and 65% at constant exchange rates...Against the background of low levels of financial market volatility and risk aversion, market participants point to a significant expansion in the activity of investor groups including hedge funds, which was partly facilitated by substantial growth in the use of prime brokerage, and retail investors...A marked increase in the levels of technical trading – most notably algorithmic trading – is also likely to have boosted turnover in the spot market...Transactions between reporting dealers and non-reporting financial institutions, such as hedge funds, mutual funds, pension funds and insurance companies, more than doubled between April 2004 and April 2007 and contributed more than half of the increase in aggregate turnover." - BIS


  • Decentralised 'interbank' market
  • Main participants: Central Banks, commercial and investment banks, hedge funds, corporations & private speculators
  • The free-floating currency system arose from the collapse of the Bretton Woods agreement in 1971
  • Online trading began in the mid to late 1990's

Source: BIS Triennial Survey 2007

Trading Hours

  • 24 hour market
  • Sunday 5pm EST through Friday 4pm EST.
  • Trading begins in the Asia-Pacific region followed by the Middle East, Europe, and America


  • One of the largest financial markets in the world
  • $3.2 trillion average daily turnover, equivalent to:
    • More than 10 times the average daily turnover of global equity markets1
    • More than 35 times the average daily turnover of the NYSE2
    • Nearly $500 a day for every man, woman, and child on earth3
    • An annual turnover more than 10 times world GDP4

  • The spot market accounts for just under one-third of daily turnover

1. About $280 billion - World Federation of Exchanges aggregate 2006
2. About $87 billion - World Federation of Exchanges 2006
3. Based on world population of 6.6 billion - US Census Bureau
4. About $48 trillion - World Bank 2006.

Source: BIS Triennial Survey 2007

Major Markets

  • The US & UK markets account for just over 50% of turnover
  • Major markets: London, New York, Tokyo
  • Trading activity is heaviest when major markets overlap5
  • Nearly two-thirds of NY activity occurs in the morning hours while European markets are open6

5. The Foreign Exchange Market in the United States - NY Federal Reserve
6. The Foreign Exchange Market in the United States - NY Federal Reserve

Average Daily Turnover by Geographic Location

Source: BIS Triennial Survey 2007

Concentration in the Banking Industry

  • 12 banks account for 75% of turnover in the U.K.
  • 10 banks account for 75% of turnover in the U.S.
  • 3 banks account for 75% of turnover in Switzerland
  • 9 banks account for 75% of turnover in Japan

Source: BIS Triennial Survey 2007

Technical Analysis

Commonly used technical indicators:

  • Moving averages
  • RSI
  • Fibonacci retracements
  • Stochastics
  • MACD
  • Momentum
  • Bollinger bands
  • Pivot point
  • Elliott Wave


  • The US dollar is involved in over 80% of all foreign exchange transactions, equivalent to over US$2.7 trillion per day

Currency Codes

  • USD = US Dollar
  • EUR = Euro
  • JPY = Japanese Yen
  • GBP = British Pound
  • CHF = Swiss Franc
  • CAD = Canadian Dollar (Sometimes referred to as the "Loonie")
  • AUD = Australian Dollar
  • NZD = New Zealand Dollar

Average Daily Turnover by Currency

N.B. Because two currencies are involved in each transaction, the sum of the percentage shares of individual currencies totals 200% instead of 100%.

Source: BIS Triennial Survey 2007

Currency Pairs

  • Majors: EUR/USD (Euro-Dollar), USD/JPY, GBP/USD - (commonly referred to as the "Cable"), USD/CHF
  • Dollar bloc: USD/CAD, AUD/USD, NZD/USD - (commonly referred to as the "Kiwi")
  • Major crosses: EUR/JPY, EUR/GBP, EUR/CHF

Average Daily Turnover by Currency Pair

A Beginner Forex Trading Education - How to Get the Best Beginner Education In Forex Trading

How to get the best beginner education in Forex is a question Forex beginners consistently ask. Forex trading can be an extremely daunting task. This article will discuss how to get the best beginner education in Forex trading including special Forex tips used by the professionals plus how you the best beginner education in Forex Trading could be learnt in the comfort and privacy of your own home. Keep reading to get access to a Forex demo account of $100,000.00.

Beginner Forex traders frequently become confused and often disheartened when they get started in Forex currency trading. However, there are some very simple Forex tips that will help you on your path to becoming a successful Forex trader.

One of the most important Forex decisions you will ever make is choosing the right Forex broker. There is a lot of competition between Forex brokers and their service is as varied as are their prices. Here are a few tips to follow when deciding on which Forex broker to use. It is a must that the Forex broker that you choose is registered with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. If they aren't, and make excuses for why they aren't, look elsewhere. There is absolutely no excuse for a Forex broker not being registered with the CFTC. It is important to choose a Forex broker that belongs to a reputable company that has been established in the field for a long period of time. If they have some sort of ties to a financial institution like a bank that is even more preferable.

Another important part of your beginner education in Forex Trading is having access to the best and most up to date research tools with real time quotes, charts and reports. Be sure to choose a Forex broker that makes it easy as possible for you to successfully trade as a Forex broker, and also has access to the best and most up to date Forex information at his fingertips. You should also try and choose a Forex broker that has a reasonable spread which is the difference between a Forex buying price and selling price.

It goes without saying that a []> beginner education in Forex trading can be costly. Your beginner education in Forex trading is not something that you should skimp on. There are many other ways of cutting costs as a Forex trader but your beginner education in Forex trading will create a solid foundation for you and your Forex trading business. As with many things, you get what you pay for. While there are some Forex trading courses that cost thousands of dollars, it's possible, with a little research, to find some fantastic, reputable Forex trading system courses for just a few hundreds of dollars. I suggest that you start with that introduction to beginner education in Forex trading while you are getting your feet wet. Of course, your beginner education in Forex trading may be tax deductible so be sure to check that out with your accountant and keep all your receipts.

A beginner education in Forex trading should not put your money at risk. The best beginner education in Forex trading would simple involve study, practice, trading. It's daunting starting out as a beginner Forex trader so it's best to start out with a demo Forex account. A demo Forex account has a pretend balance that permits the beginner Forex trader practicing the methods learnt and perfecting them, and building your Forex trading confidence, without taking any risks with your own money. This is the ultimate beginner education in Forex trading. You will have plenty of time to gain the Forex experience and confidence you need to make informed decisions and learning how to make lightning-fast Forex trades when you go out into the Forex market on your own.